[Deserno and Holm, 1998, Deserno and Holm, 1998, Lee and Cai, 2009]
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M. Deserno and C. Holm. How to mesh up Ewald sums. II. an accurate error estimate for the particle-particle-particle-mesh algorithm. J. Chem. Phys., 109(18):7694–7701, 1998. doi:10.1063/1.477415.
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M. Deserno and C. Holm. How to mesh up Ewald sums. I. a theoretical and numerical comparison of various particle mesh routines. J. Chem. Phys., 109(18):7678–7693, 1998. doi:10.1063/1.477414.
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H. Lee and W. Cai. Ewald summation for Coulomb interactions in a periodic supercell. 2009. URL: